
Henley Passport Index 2024: Poland in 6th place

The latest edition of the Henley Passport Index 2024, prepared by Henley and Partners, reveals that six countries can boast the world's most powerful passports. At the top of this prestigious ranking are four EU member states: France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, joining Japan and Singapore. Thanks to these passports, citizens of these countries have the opportunity to visit 194 out of 227 destinations worldwide without the need for a visa.

For the past five years, Japan and Singapore have maintained dominance in the Henley Passport Index. However, they are now joined by the mentioned European countries. Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, President of Henley & Partners, notes that while the overall trend in the history of the ranking points towards greater travel freedom, the differences in mobility between the top and bottom countries of the index are now greater than ever before.

The global average number of visa-free destinations has increased from 58 in 2006 to 111 in 2024. However, countries occupying the top positions now have the ability to travel to an impressive 166 destinations without a visa, while Afghanistan, ranking at the bottom, has access to only 28 visa-free countries.

The second position in the ranking is held by South Korea, Finland, and Sweden, offering visa-free access to 193 destinations. The third position is occupied by four EU countries: Austria, Denmark, Ireland, and the Netherlands, with access to 192 destinations. Poland, the Czech Republic, Australia, and New Zealand secured the sixth position, with visa-free access to 189 destinations. The United States maintains the seventh position, with access to 188 destinations.

It is noteworthy that the United Kingdom has climbed to the fourth position, with 191 destinations covered by visa-free travel, a two-place improvement compared to the previous year. It is also worth noting that for the past ten years, the UK no longer shares the top spot in the ranking with the USA.

The Henley Passport Index report also highlights the most significant gains and losses over the past decade. The United Arab Emirates recorded an impressive jump of 106 destinations, moving from 55th to 11th place in the ranking. Ukraine and China are also among the top five countries that have made the greatest improvement in the rankings over the last decade, each gaining 21 places.

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